The (F)Empower Project Presents: Sarah X!

I first met this little bundle of love a number of years ago when I was working on the island during summer vacation. As we worked together over the summer, I remember admiring Sarah for her strong work ethic, responsibility, and true sincerity. Plus she was always so sweet. While we ran into each other from time to time at Queen's University, the first time I really got to re-connect with her was through NTC. She came to classes consistently, and always gave her all! She spent her first class in a corner, and as she progressed over the years she gradually worked her way to the middle of the front row of the class, and allowed her amazing strength and personality to shine through. Sarah has been an inspiration to myself, and so many other women, balancing her rigorous academic program, volunteering and family life with a challenging fitness regimen. I have been, and am so very proud of all that she has accomplished over the last couple years and was touched when Sarah agreed to participate in this series! So here she is, my little shining star, Sarah! 

Hello! My name is Sarah, but am often referred to many by my last name, “Xiao.” I am currently a 20-something, Registered Nurse and second-year doctoral student at the University of Toronto (UofT). While my clinical and research background is in pediatrics and mental health, I also enjoy volunteering and working with seniors in the community. When I’m not reading, writing, or studying (read: learning via osmosis while sleeping), I’m satisfying my caffeine craving and/or sweet tooth somewhere or “attempting” to cook a meal that will keep me alive for a few days.

Currently, my fitness routine consists of running, cycling, and strength training about five times a week.

Staying active and healthy is more than a routine for me, it’s a lifestyle and philosophy. But it wasn’t always this way.

I had childhood asthma growing up and recurring bronchitis every 2-3 months. Antibiotics were my best friend. In high school, I had very low self-esteem and was extremely self-conscious about my weight, often wearing baggy hoodies and sweat pants to hide whatever insecurities I had. During my Master’s, I ate 1 to 2 small meals a day, attributing it to stress and my lack of cooking skills. I often defined my weight on a scale as an indication of how healthy I was. At 5”0’, I was a mere 90 pounds and constantly lethargic. How ironic was it that I was a healthcare professional, healing sick people back to health…but did not know how to take care of myself? (The future of healthcare is in great hands, guys.)

It wasn’t until four years ago after getting my heart broken and a looming health crisis that I knew I needed to regain control of my life. I remember going to my first bootcamp class at Cardio-Go with my work BFF and not being able to differentiate between a squat, lunge, or a burpee. Exercise was like a foreign language to me and I vowed never to eat a donut again if I didn’t have to go back to bootcamp. But I did, and began working with a personal trainer 2-3 times a week. To compliment my core exercises and strength-training, I also integrated running as a form of cardio.

I didn’t know it then, but running became my saving grace and therapy. In fact, I have had the most insightful conversations with myself while running and have since found that my perspective on life has changed immensely.

Around this time, one of my friends (hello Jazzy!) forwarded me a Facebook link to participate in Nike Training Club (NTC). There, I re-met Jenny – who was one of the NTC trainers. (Side note: Jenny and I previously worked together at Centreville in 2009, both (wo)manning the kiddie rides. In 2010, I bumped into her again in our pathophysiology class at Queen’s.) It was meant to be! Shortly after joining NTC, I began running with Nike Run Club (NRC). This became my schedule: Mondays and Wednesdays with NRC; Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays with NTC; personal training on Fridays, and yoga on Sundays. Yes, I was doing something every day of the week. #howtobesingle. Running and gym-ing became my life outside of work and school, and was also where I met some of the most wonderful people, several of whom have now become my closest friends.

During the summer of last year, however, I ran a short “routine” 5K, and succumbed to the most debilitating injury in my short-lived running career. What began as a strain led to an excruciating knee pain, to the point where I couldn’t walk without limping. Several ER visits, X-rays, ultrasounds, doctor diagnoses, and many uncertain weeks later… I had a decadent combination of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PPS or “runners knee”), Bursa’s cyst, meniscus tear, and a possible hamstring injury. I had to say goodbye to running, jumping, and anything fitness-related - which might as well have been my entire life. 

I threw pity parties for myself (involving vanilla lattes and donuts, no less), became immensely reclusive and anti-social, and drowned myself in schoolwork. What I also did, and probably shouldn’t have, was run the Nike San Fran Half Marathon in the midst of all of this turmoil. Needless to say, I didn’t run the entire leg of the course. I jogged, walked, took pictures, nursed my knee, ate Cliff bars and “enjoyed” my Nuun while people-watching. When I came home from this trip, I made the decision to take more of an active role to get better - mentally and physically. I realized that I was often reckless in my previous fitness practices - not taking a “rest day”, or warming up and stretching appropriately. I was willing to give up anything, as long as I could walk pain-free again. 

In November, I began working with a physiotherapist at UofT every week. Still, looking at myself in the mirror and the thought of going back to the gym gave me immense anxiety. The thought and image of being active and happy seemed like a very distant memory and something I would never experience again. But the girlfriends who I had met from NTC never forgot or gave up on me. On a bad day (which were most days), I’d get a random text or message from someone asking for an update or just telling me they missed me and wished for a speedy recovery. Although seemingly a small gesture, it had a profound impact on my healing...

This marked a huge turning point in my recovery, and I believe is what truly captures the essence of “(f)empower”: females empowering one another to strive for self-love and to recognize yourself as your first and foremost priority. 

A notable memory was when my physiotherapist suggested that I began stressing the scar tissue in my knee. I was instructed to use the stationary bike for as long as my knee could tolerate without pain. But I couldn’t bring myself to doing it. I feared the feeling of the pain - which for me, was another setback. It wasn’t until a random heartfelt phone call from one of my fellow NTC girlfriends, Ljiljana, that I finally took the first step. She suggested that I set a goal of 5 minutes; if I felt any pain or didn’t want to continue after 5 minutes, I could go home. Fortunately, those 5 minutes turned into 10, and within a month, I was shamelessly sweating on the bike, pain-free, for 45 minutes everyday. Part of my treatment plan also included strengthening my glutes and core, foam rolling, properly warming up and stretching after exercising, and finding the most suitable running shoes for my gait.

Fitness was no longer just about the act of “doing”, but all of the other components involved in injury prevention and recovery.


Slowly but surely, I mustered up whatever bit of courage I had and began jogging on the treadmill. However, the inevitable feeling of defeat would settle in as soon as I felt a sharp pain in my knee. Yet, the key lesson here was about listening to my body, appreciating any progress made, and overcoming self-doubt. Eventually, I was able to run ~4K on the treadmill with mild to no discomfort, and recently rejoined NTC and NRC last month. Currently, I run 2-3K every other day, and have resumed most of my normal activities.

Being healthy is no longer a matter of what the scale says, or how physically capable I am, but how in-tune my mind is with my body. 

From this experience, I’ve learnt the value of self-discipline and mental resilience, and have to attribute most, if not all, of my successes and achievements to my support system. Being surrounded by a community of such strong, positive women from different walks of life has truly inspired me to better myself in every facet of my own life. My current fitness and life goals include:

  1.  re-learning how to swim
  2. taking more dance classes (I’ve been taking hip hop classes for the past several months, LOL)
  3. building more muscle (I’ve named my soon-to-be ab muscles as “Tu-pac”) and, 
  4. adding more plant-based recipes to my limited arsenal of cooking skills.

So if you’re reading this (and thinking of being more active)… It’s not too late. You are much more capable than you think you are. Take that first leap of faith, listen to your body, and everything else will follow.

The (F)Empower Project Presents: Ljiljana!



I still remember her first NTC was a cold and wet night during the very first NTC Winterfit series in Toronto. Ljiljana came to the class with her daughter Nika, and (as I have now learned is her usual pattern) certainly made her presence known! I remember running back to the gym with her after the workout -- she was tired, but she never gave up! And she never has since. Ljiljana has been coming to my classes for years - she is a dedicated, fun, positive, energetic and uber-supportive lady who serves as an amazing example for her community. I'm thrilled to present her (F)Empower Training Story to you today! 

My name is Ljiljana. I am 64 years old and a mother of two.

Since an early age I was very physically active which was a real nightmare for my parents because they never knew where I was, if I was getting injured, stuck in a tree or lost track of time playing sports and forgot to come home. During my school years I took part in all sorts of sports (handball, volleyball, basketball, soccer, swimming, skating). I was also very good at track and field disciplines and gymnastics. Later on in life, in my free time I would ride a bike, hike, ski or just do exercises at home or the gym. I also danced (ballroom and Latin) for years.

Two years ago, my daughter invited me to try an NTC class – a high intensity interval training workout. I just loved it and I kept coming 3 times a week from North York to Queen and Ossington. The classes are amazing, very versatile and the coaches are extremely knowledgeableand they really make you sweat.

It was very hard in the beginning, it still is, but through time and regular exercise I built my muscles, got stronger and improved my flexibility.

My body has become toned, changed for the better and made me feel good. I have no joint pains and don’t run out of breath when climbing the stairs.

I also started running. In February 2015 I couldn’t run for 1 minute. Through the training and fitness classes I was slowly improving. In April I ran my first 5km, then 10, then 15 and in October I finished a half marathon in San Francisco! I am so very proud of this achievement. 

My best reward is when much younger women tell me that they can see how much I improved and that I am an inspiration to them. 

The conclusion:

I feel physically fit, which makes me physically and mentally strong.

One might say I am an exercise addict. I enjoy doing it, even when it’s hard, but pushing myself to be stronger is a good thing.

The (F)Empower Project: Meet DJ FeelGood Smalls!

If you come to my NTC classes, you already know this amazing lady really well - I use her mixes in pretty well every one of my classes...and almost every time, a participant asks me where they can get her music! She is unbelievably friendly, talented, and inspiring. She has defined a new niche for Djs in Toronto, mixing for Nike Running and NTC events on the regular! Check out her amazing story below... If she can do it, so can you! #noexcuses #betterforit

My name is FeelGoodSmalls and I am a DJ currently based out of Toronto, Ontario.  


"Fitness and I have a funny relationship... "

we have our ups and down — You could call it a love hate relationship. 


Some days I love it and other days it doesn't even exist.  


Don’t get me wrong, growing up I was very active, but I didn’t realize being active was fitness. I was a competitive gymnast, snowboarded every winter and ended up on a Varsity Cheerleading team throughout University.  I was always training, but in a way that was fun and a normal part of my life.  

Normal, until I was in a nearly fatal car accident when vacationing in Costa Rica (I went down to learn how surf).  I was flown home with a broken hip, pelvis and a shattered elbow which required emergency surgery.  I was hospitalized for over two weeks before I could head home and recover with 12 weeks of bed rest.  

It was like I was starting all over again, literally, I could not walk let alone run, cheer, snowboard or even dance.  This was a very difficult thing for me to grasp, the things that shaped my life I would no longer be able to do - maybe for the rest of my life. 

I knew I couldn’t lay around for the rest of my life feeling sorry for myself, so I started with the basics — walking, I would throw on my iPod and walk as far as I could each day of my recovery. I would use music as my motivation and to clear my mind. Over time my walks turned into light jogging and eventually into running.

Running allowed me to feel motivated again especially as someone who used to be very active

I would put on my favourite mixes and run at my own pace and for myself. Now I run 2-3 times a week and it is a integral part of my life.  

The motivation behind my recovery was music; it allowed me to focus on my health in a way that made me feel happy.  As a Dj myself I realized that I could share this with others in hopes that it would get them more active.  

It’s been three years since my accident, and I have had to adapt to my new life, fitness goals and regime. Now, my fitness is based around running and exercise classes that are total body, and recently yoga which is a game changer for my frail body. I try to incorporate one or all in my weekly schedule.  Clearly with my crazy schedule as a DJ (late nights), I have to plan my exercise weekly with what works best for me that week.  This is when running becomes so clutch, because it really can be done at any time and anywhere. Some weeks I am on the ball and other weeks I am just scrambling to catch up on sleep let alone exercise. 

Music keeps me motivated and being a DJ I feel I have the opportunity to share this with everyone.  I have started curating mixes for runners and people looking to stay motivated during their work outs.  I am also a DJ with Nike and I make mixes for their NTC work outs and live classes. This has taught me hands on experience of the types of music people like to work out to and what keeps people moving. To download my mixes check outmy SoundCloud Page

I never want to feel guilty for missing a work out or not doing one every day, I live a very crazy life and I have to understand that this is the path I chose.  I try and use exercise as an outlet to my life or a break, and in doing so I am slowly changing my love hate relationship to a more loving one :)

The (F)Empower Project: Meet Mel!

I’m a television host and producer for a Canadian music television show I co-created called BRBR. I’m also the founder, content creator & creative director for MELSAYS.COM, a website I started a few years ago. My goal was to share my passions for travel, wellness, food, fashion and surf with everyone. This website has taught me so much about myself, it’s been such a wonderful journey thus far.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been playing sports and been active. Growing up, I was the kid that belonged to every sports team and had an activity every night after school. I grew up doing every sport imaginable and as I got older I started focusing my energies more particularly on dancing.

When I moved to Toronto six years ago, I decided to stop dancing. After more than 22 years of dancing, teaching and performing, I felt like I had had enough. That said, being in a new city, I wanted to remain active and with my crazy schedule, the thing that I was drawn to the most was running.

Last summer, I also started doing NTC and working with Nike and it completely reignited my passion for being outdoors and living an active lifestyle. Working in the music industry and having an irregular schedule had thrown off my training game a bit so I was so excited to see that I still had that fire inside of me.

Through training, I also met some amazing new people that really opened my eyes to how amazing living an active life can be.

Being fit and leading a healthy and active lifestyle can mean so many different things to so many people. To me, it’s taking time for myself several times a week to get out and be active. I’ve realized that the more I’m active, the better I can sleep and the less stressed and anxious I feel. It has also made me feel a lot more confident about myself and a lot stronger mentally.

"Being active...has also made me Feel a lot more confident about myself, and a lot stronger mentally."


Photo credit: Mymediaphoto

Photo credit: Mymediaphoto

Though my training regimen tends to change quite often due to the amount of time I spend traveling, I always make it a point to train at least 3x a week, no matter where I am and what I’m doing. Ideally, when I’m home, I run 3x a week and also do 1-2 NTC classes. I also ride my bike every day and on weekends will spend time outdoors. I love surfing, wakeboarding, snowboarding, hiking, swimming, yoga, etc.

I’ve realized there are many things that keep me motivated to keep training and exercising. The first, is being the daughter of a cancer survivor, I want to put all the chances on my side and lead the healthiest life possible to avoid as many health issues as I can. Second, working out makes me feel good, it makes me feel happy and more relaxed. Even if I sometimes don’t feel like going out or working out initially, the feeling I get afterwards is always worth it. Third, the amazing group of people I’ve met through training, running and partaking in races is a huge motivation. I used to run and train mostly on my own but meeting these incredible people have kept me on my toes and kept me wanting to keep up with all of them.

It makes me so happy to see and be able to work out with so many incredible women. I feel privileged to live somewhere where women come together to work out and stay fit. Through doing so, we also develop incredible friendships and are able to share so many important moments together.

I find that people’s attitudes towards women and fitness are changing. I see the standard of beauty in society also changing. It wasn’t too long ago that really skinny and unhealthy looking women were gracing the covers of magazines. Today, we are finding more and more healthy and fit women on these same covers, on runways and in press in general. It’s nice to see people slowly waking up and realizing that healthy is better than skinny. I hope that attitudes will keep changing and people will embrace a healthier lifestyle above and beyond everything else.

"I think being fit and being a woman is the best thing." 

I feel I’m the best version of myself when I’m leading an active lifestyle and being fit. I love being able to workout, getting down and dirty, getting a good sweat but then also being feminine and enjoying this healthy body.

This past year was definitely an important year because it’s the year I felt the strongest and the healthiest. It was the first year I really set some fitness goals and attained them. I ran my first 10k race, then ran a 15k race, a Spartan Race, etc. The more I did, the more I wanted to do. My next fitness goal is to run my first ever half marathon in 2016 and sign up for more races like the Spartan Race. I love the combination of running and also having an obstacle course. I want to keep being active and in turn be happy!

Want to read more from Mel? Check out her website at: